IC Solutions
IC Solutions offers “The Visitor” visitation system. “The Visitor” provides friends, family and professionals the control to schedule and conduct a visit at a time of convenient for them and avoid wasting time waiting in long lines or traveling to the facility. We offer two types of visitations, ONSITE, OFFSITE.
ONSITE visitation is conducted using the video terminals provided in the lobby of the Muskingum County Jail. You will simply create an account at
www.icsolutions.com and then schedule a visit AT NO COST.
OFFSITE visitation costs the visitor $7.50 a call that can be conducted from the visitor’s computer or Android device.
Each inmate is permitted one ONSITE and one OFFSITE visit per week. Once you schedule a visit, you will receive an email to confirm the visit with an access code that you will need to access the visit.
Please call (740) 455-7133 if you have any questions.
Rules for Visiting Inmates At The Jail
- Visitors are permitted one ONSITE and one OFFSITE visit per week.
- Visitors must be 18 years old or accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, proof of guardianship is required AND have one of the following forms of identification at each visit:
- Valid driver's license.
- Government issued ID with picture, i.e.: Passport or Active Military ID.
- Valid temporary driver’s license.
- Valid Ohio I.D. card issued by the Ohio BMV.
- Food stamp ID cards or broken ID cards will NOT be accepted. No exceptions.
- Victims may not visit the suspect in their case.
- Any exceptions must be approved by the Jail Administrator.
- Visits will be 30 minutes in length, Inmates are limited to 2 visitors.
- A 10 Minute grace period is allowed. Any time beyond that grace period, visits will be canceled.
- Contraband: Cellular Phones or other communication devices, intoxicants, drugs, weapons, parts of weapons, ammunition of any type are prohibited in the visitation area.
Conveyance of such items will result in criminal prosecution under Ohio Revised Code 2921.36.
Dress Code For Jail Visits
All Visitors, including minors, will adhere to the following dress code or visitation will not be permitted:
- Hats, purses, wallets, handbags, cell phones and keys must be secured in your vehicle before entering for your visit.
- Full length shirts and shoes must be worn.
- No tank tops, spaghetti straps, muscle shirts, pajamas, tube tops, see through tight fitting clothing or bare midriffs. This goes for both males and females.
- Appropriate undergarments MUST be worn (bra, underwear etc.)
- No provocative or revealing clothing is allowed. No holes, rips including shoulder cut-outs, open backs or opened sides. No plunging neck lines, nothing that is sheer and no see-through clothing of any kind, including spandex.
- Shorts and skirts must be no more than 1 ½” above the knee. No mini-skirts or daisy duke shorts.
- All undergarments must be worn and there must be no showing of any under garments.
- No drug related, gang related, sexually explicit, and offensive or profane language or pictures are allowed on your clothing.
Termination Of A Visit To The Jail
Visits may be terminated under the following circumstances if the visitor does any of the following deemed inappropriate by the Corrections Staff:
- The MCSO Jail Shift Supervisor or Officer-in-Charge may terminate a visit at any time.
- Appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Refuses to submit to our policy search procedures.
- Checks in past the 10 minute grace period of their scheduled visit.
- Refuses or fails to produce sufficient identification.
- Falsifies information.
- Conveys prohibited items into the visitation area
- Has a past history of being disruptive at the Corrections Center.
Mailing Address For Inmates
Muskingum County Jail, Ohio
Include the inmate’s name
Include the inmate’s number
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131
Inmate Commissary Information
Inmates can purchase commissary on Sunday and Wednesday nights of each week and Conn’s Chips on Monday and Thursday nights. Money for these purchases MUST be in the inmates account no later than 11:00pm on these nights.
It has come to our attention that jailchange.com is a SCAM website. Please DO NOT use that website for commissary. For inmate commissary please use one of the options below.
There are FOUR ways that you can send money to an inmate in the Muskingum County Jail.
- Access Corrections App
(Send an Inmate money from your mobile phone)
- www.accesscorrections.com
(Easy online deposits)
- Kiosk (located in the lobby of the MCSO Jail)
(You can access MCSO Jail from over 800+ kiosk locations)
- (866) 345-1884
(Speak with a live agent)
Court & Probation Contacts